
We at Sai Lakshmi deal with high quality plywood, which is more suitable for interior infrastructure design. We are one of the leading plywood dealers, manufacturers, suppliers in the industry. A trusted partner for all home needs of plywood is we. Speciality plywood can have any number of plies above three. Generally, three ply, five ply or multi ply are the commonly known varieties of plywood. The most prominent use in structural applications is attributed to plywood. Naturally it can withstand a lot of stress and different weather conditions. The high strength and stiffness to weight ratios effects the cost in the plywood. Mainly we see plywood used for structural applications like flooring, farm work, webbed beam, shear walls etc. We provide grading system for the face veneer. The different standard result in the finishing of the structure.

We are specialized plywood manufactures in providing different types of plywood, such as softwood, hard wood, aircraft, exterior, structural, over laid lumber core, marine, redwood, pine, cedar, birch, oak, walnut, maple plywood etc.and many more manufacturers in Bangalore one can choose out of wide range of varieties depending on price matched with ply, veneers, grades, multiple materials and many more.

Our workers and technical team together work in the manufacturing process of nine stages. They are storage of logs, bucking and debarking of the logs, logs heating, converting the logs into veneers, veneers drying, veneers sticking together, hot pressing of the veneers prepared, cutting and sanding.

As a plywood dealer, we choose different species of trees to construct the plywood materials. Which improves the strength of the finished product? Also, the plywood that we supply has less shrinkage capacity. Depending up on your needs we also prepare the combination of hard and soft woods so as to make the structure cutting elevated. Also we can supply in bulk capacity in single order also. Quality of the raw products will result in the best structure of your design so you should choose the best plywood manufactures to meet your expectation and we can assure you that without compromising on quality.


MR/BWR Grad Plywood IS:303

M.R. B.W.R
SI.No Test I.S. Requirement Result I.S. Requirement Result
1 Moisture Content 5 to 15% 10% 5 to 15% 10%
2 Static Bending Strength:
I.Moduls of Elasticity (N/mm2)
a)Along the Grain
b)Across the Grain
II.Moduls of Rupture(N/mm2)
a)Along the Grain
b)Across the Grain
Min. 3600;Avg 4000
Min. 1800;Avg 2000

Min. 27; Avg 30
Min.13; Avg 15

Min. 4500;Avg 5000
Min. 2200;Avg 2500

Min. 36; Avg 40
Min.18;Avg 20

3 Glue Shear Strength (In Dry State) Min.Average 1000 Newton
Individual 800 Newton
1230 Newton
950 Newton
Min.Average 1350 Newton
Individual 1100 Newton
1550 Newton
1330 Newton
4 Glue Shear Strength (In Wet State) Min.Average 800 Newton
Individual 650 Newton
970 Newton
840 Newton
Min.Average 1000 Newton
Individual 800 Newton
1190 Newton
1010 Newton
5 Glue Shear Strength in Mycological Min.Average 800 Newton
Individual 650 Newton
1100 Newton
870 Newton
Min.Average 1000 Newton
Individual 800 Newton
1210 Newton
1100 Newton

BWP (Boiling Waterproof Plywood)

APPLICATION: Suitable for home, office, industry, kitchen, paneling, wardrobes, All types of furniture etc.
Thickness: 6mm, 8/9mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18/19mm,
SIZES(in Mtrs.): All types of running sizes available
(Specific thickness and Sizes may be provided against specific order.)

SI.No Prescribed Test Values for Conformity Observed Value
1 Moisture Content 5 to 15% 10%
2 Glue shear strength
(in dry state)
Min. 1150N
Avg. 1350N
Min. 1150N - 1250N
Avg. 1380N - 1430N
3 Adhersion of ply Min. pass standard Min. pass standard
4 Glue shear strength
(after 72 hrs. boiling)
Min. 800N
Avg. 1000N
Min. 900N - 1050N
Avg. 1100N - 1200N
5 Tensile strength
Along the grain
Across the grain
42N/Sq. mm.
25N/Sq. mm.
48N/Sq. mm.
30N/Sq. mm.
6 Sum of strength 84.50N/ 90N/
7 Static bending strength
Modulus of rupture
Along the grain
Across the grain
Modulus of elasticity
Along the grain
Across the grain
50N/Sq. mm.
30N/Sq. mm.

7500N/Sq. mm.
4000N/Sq. mm.
58N/Sq. mm.
35N/Sq. mm.

7800N/Sq. mm.
4900N/Sq. mm.